Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

Let´s start the good times !!!

First Pow - nice weather - good times rollin´ 

First powder run after this years knee surgery
Everything fine again :)
Another best day - ABD Series

Cya soon

Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

Champignons Camp MOVIE

Auf gut deutsch - "Schwammal Camp" ->

Im Februar 2012 entschlossen Andi und ich uns gemeinsam ein drei - tägiges FREESKI CAMP in Zell am See zu veranstalten, also holten wir uns 12 FREESKI Jünger mit ins Boot im Alter zwischen 12 & 16 Jahren. 
...and yeah we had a lot of fun teaching the younger  ones :)

We called them Champignons aka Schwammal ;)

To make it short, 

HERE is our Movie about the Camp - Enjoy :)

Thx for editing 

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

8848 ALTITUDE Athlet News


"8848 ALTITUDE Athlet Reine Barkered gewinnt Freeride World Tour 2012 – zeitgleich wird die Gründung eines deutschen Freeride Teams voran getrieben" "Ein hervorragender internationaler Erfolg, der das Unternehmen 8848 ALTITUDE weltweit befeuert."

        FWT - Champion - REINE BARKERED

Zwei junge Fahrer, welche sich mit Leidenschaft dem Thema Freeride verschrieben haben sind nun seit Anfang des Jahres Mitglied des 8848 ALTITUDE Freeride Team Germany. Zum einen wird der 23jährige Felix Wiemers fortan die Outerwear des schwedischen Herstellers tragen, zum anderen ist es der in Bad Reichenhall lebende  
Daniel Ziemer, der das nationale Freeride Team der Marke komplettieren wird. "

Kompletter Artikel hier:


Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Whiteout (2012) 

WHITEOUT (2012) from Don Philly on Vimeo.

NEW MISCHFABRIK MOVIE - Project - Whiteout (2012) 
Check it out!

Yeah we got published on the NO FRIENDS ON POWDER DAYS Homepage
"It’s rider versus the elements in new movie Whiteout"

Click to read

"Have you ever seen that film Alive where the Uruguayan rugby team crash in the Andes and have to survive incredible conditions and end up eating each other?
Well this snowboarding film is a little bit like that, minus the cannibalism. Because no-one wants that, do they?
Whiteout follows two riders and two skiers (namely riders Claus Israel and Johannes Scharl and skiers Daniel Ziemer and Andi Nitsche) on the mother of all backcountry adventures in extreme conditions and they spend the night in ice caves shivering next to each other to keep warm. It’s not your normal snowboarding film, though, this one’s got what you’d call a script and a plot, so they weren’t in any real danger, but we imagine that ice cave was pretty nippy.
The only problem we have with this one? We don’t speak German, so we’ve no idea what they are saying. But it’s probably Oscars all round. "

Sonntag, 8. April 2012

"A Stückal Heimat " - One Day at Predax

Skiabfahrt vom Predigtstuhl - dem "Hausberg" Bad Reichenhalls.

Ursprünglich geplant war die Befahrung der "Alpgartenrinne" - aufgrund von Schmelzwasser und damit verbundener Schwelleisbildung in der Rinne war dieses Vorhaben an diesem Tag allerdings nicht durchführbar.

Stattdessen wurde bei wunderbar frühlingshaften Bedingungen die Variante "Blasi-Angst" über den Röthelbach zum "Boschei"
(Gasthaus Baumgarten) in Angriff genommen...

Cya soon...


Sonntag, 1. April 2012

orLet the games begin...

One week ago I had my knee surgery - perfect results as far as it can be judged at this point of time.

Thanks for the good care to Dr. med. habil. Reiner Hente and his team at the hospital in Bad Reichenhall.

The next months the focus is all about physical and mental training.

To get back to the condition I had before and far beyond that ... !!!And I am really looking forward to it ... :)So let the games begin !!!


Here´s a short review about the past action.

The days before my surgery I wanted to go skiing as much as possible,
well I succeded haha !!!
The day before the surgery, we planned to take one of the steepest couloirs in our hometown mountains !

or the beast from the southeast

At that day it was one giant frozen waterfall,
Impossible to ski down there fast and fluid and be back alive and in one piece...

But this was the goal..
so for this time "the beast" won and we decided to choose a other descent...


First 3D Movie shooting - WOW

Mischfabrik Movies is currently working at a 3D !!! Movie project for Dachstein West.
The Skiarea supported us with sleds all day long - thanks very much guys!

Who needs chairlifts...
Never again! ;)


Videos released
2012 / 2013
Predigtstuhl home town descent - coming April 2012
Whiteout movie project - coming April 2012
Spielberg first descent (Click Teaser) - Full movie coming Autumn / Winter 2012
Basecamp Movie by Mischfabrik Movies - coming Summer/Autumn 2012(click teaser)
Movie about our youth Freeski Camp - Zell am See - coming autumn 2012
Jenner skiarea promotion trailer - coming Winter 2012
Dachstein 3D promotion movie - coming Winter 2012


Davos featuring Hochfügen - Gotta LoVe those powderdays

Vacation in switzerland Davos - Nice times with my girflfriend ;) &
Big Mountain lines in Hochfügen !!!


Home shooting - Berchtesgaden

We were shooting for a local skiarea - Jenner am Königsee a few days ago.
Movie coming winter 2012 - by Simon Thussbas -
with Mischfabrik Movies and my girlfriend !!!
Sorry guys... just G-rated material ;)


One last run - Jenner am Königsee

And a small alpin racing clip - just a bit cruising down the Jenner @ Königsee/ Berchtesgaden
only made for a 1000€ Videocontest in our hometown area !!!
No FREERIDE ACTION sry guys ;)

Cya soon guys


Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

!!! Life´s too short to be unhappy !!!

Today I got my MRT results - well...the news were pretty bad.
My cruciate ligament (Kreuzband) was torn apart.

So now we - Reiner Hente and I - have to decide,
when its the right time for an operation.


So long I´ll keep on soulriding - no cliffs just cruising...
and I am going to focus on my studies and my future projects !!! :)

season´s almost over but...
!!! Life´s too short to be unhappy !!!
Going BIG again - next year ;-)

Montag, 27. Februar 2012

working, skiing, studying... awesome life :)
Thx to all the people on my way making things possible...

But what would this means without the people who are walking this road with you,

-->Your friends !!!
So thanks to everyone of you keep pushing me :)

Dreams come true...

--> a lil´teaser about our first decent at the "Spielberg" in Tirol [AUT]
with Christoph Fuschlberger, Matthias Haunholder, Matthias Mayr and me :) Hooooraaay

and along the way...
Passed all my studies
HELL YEAH and moved on to the 4th semester !

I think despite my injury I´ll be able to get back on my skis the next weeks...

UPDATE: Yeah published on :)

and in the "Kitzbuehler Anzeiger"

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012

What I did before I went to hospital....

Powder days this winter are insane... So i wanted to go take some picture for 8848 Altitude and Rossignol.

This day was awesome and we made a lot of good pictures,
thx Roman Knopf and Sebastian Pietta
"Kodak courage" was pushing me too hard i think,

But ...just watch the video

If I am lucky I´ll be back in few weeks :)

Thanks to Roman Knopf for this awesome pictures

Daniel Ziemer

The day before I went shooting with photographer Klaus Listl CHECK

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

video video video video video video video video video video

Yeeeah two new videos from my crew the MISCHFABRIK - a german freeski & snowboard - Movie Crew

" What the hell is MISCHFABRIK ? "


" bLOW MY MINd "

!!!!!!!!!! check out MISCHFABRIK on Facebook !!!!!!!!!!
join us

The last weeks i was travelling through europe !!!
!!! Awesome !!!
It was even more fun than words can describe --> so I´ve got some pictures for ya :)
1.Trip - Davos (SUI) - with my girlfriend ;)

2.Trip -
La Clusaz 4* Freeride World Qualifier (FRA)

quite funny times haha - but messed up my line with the heli in front of me :/
3.Trip - Hochfügen (AUT) - BIG movie project " Whiteout"
- coming march 2012 -

Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

Studying (in) deepest POW - times

While Austria and the rest of the mountains in our area are drowning in snow...
What could be better than, go out and shred some gnarly lines...???
You got it -> Studying
So much fun - I can tell you ;-)

But in a few days I am going to France to join the first 4* FWQT-contest this season in Europe in La Clusaz !!!
So I am pretty fine and so is my motivation and physical strength...

Before I started the studying marathon I enjoyed awesome moments with:
  • Our Season Opening / Movie Premiere - party with almost 1000 people AWESOME
  • Some fun - during avalanche-lessons
  • Shooting with my Crew -
  • AQUA-training with Holger Schönthier
  • and yeah almost forgot...studying ;-)

A few pics about great times with friends !!! Thx to all of u !!!