Montag, 17. Juni 2013

How´s it going? - Comeback in progress ✓

So here we are again, 
I crashed in January during the 4*FWQ in La Clusaz (France) and blowed my knee.
I jumped my last cliff too high  (apprx.12m) and landed on a rock... my knee didn´t like it...

But I think that´s the game we play, if you try to make it to the top into the Freeride World Tour.
After 6 surgerys, waay too many painkillers and with a lot of help from my family & friends... life is fun again.
And that´s what its all about, isn´t it !?! 

The next 3 months will be all about workouts and mental preparation to get back on my skis.

So just a few pictures from today
The University of Salzburg did a short Interview with me about Freeriding - dealing with injuries & my plans for the future!

  Today was another good trainingssession with Margot Zeitvogel  
!!! BIG THANKS to the support over all the years !!!

 I had a lot of fun back on skis in water and during the physiotherapie
thx to Robert Öllerer (lower left picture) and

First day on Skis again!
It´s only liquid snow ;)

Thx for stopping by - c ya soon
Cheers dani