Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014

Freeski Teammeeting

Teammeeting Freeski Rossignol Dynastar

So the season is going to start...

We invited the german Rossignol & Dynastar Freeski Team to Sölden, and had a good time there talking about the upcoming projects...

So just let pictures do the work.

Thanks goes out to Sölden who supported us for the 2 days & the mediaguys from the filmproduction MISCHFABRIK and the photographs Klaus Listl "Freezing Motions" and Roman Knopf.

Enjoy the movie

Some random fun pictures.


Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

Verbier - [ Video ] Impressions

Last Winter impressions from the 8848 Photoshoot.
Location: Verbier Switzerland
Reine Barkered
Felix Wiemers
Julia Neumann
& me :)

Let picture do the talk about this ski resorts offpiste variations.
Good times:

Thanks out to:
to the 8848 Altitude team for invitation.
& Verbier Guide and chalet Mont Gélé
Film Production: Magnus Peterson, PGF Motion, Sweden

see you soon verbier ski people...

Freitag, 14. November 2014


Last winter I was invited spending a week in Verbier with the 8848 Altitude Team ...

Crusing to the terrain and spending some days with the crew shooting some lines was an awesome time.

Here a a few impressions from the output we made.
-> Video will be posted the next days so stay tuned.

Gonna come back some day...


Freitag, 7. November 2014

Basecamp Andermatt

Last year we took a trip to andermatt with a crew of freeskiers...

Bascially playfull terrain & also some nice steeps for the guys to charge.
Definitely worth a trip to switzerland :)

But let some pictures do the talk.

Thx goes out to www.basecamp-andermatt.com 

 Gurschtenstock - Richtung Giraffe

Basecamp Andermatt

Powder lines - earlier shooting - @W-G

 Playfull terrain & pillow powder lines

 Basecamp Andermatt

Welcome to the #freerider's #lodge and #hostel in #andermatt, #swiss #Alps

Andermatt - variations en masse...  go for it guys.


Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Japan - The FINAL Webisode

Europe finally enjoyed his first snowfall in the alps, it´s about high time getting started for the next season.
Time to get you equipment together & your legs ready. :)

So, in this occasional motivation here our FINAL WEBISODE from our trip to japan.

Enjoy it:

If you have in mind going to japan one day, I can highly recommend you to do it - worth every experience you´ll make there. Cultural, social &  for snow especiallythe endless powderfields in the backcountry - Niseko is worth a trip !

Below you can watch the other episodes.

Winter is on...

Montag, 14. April 2014

The other Side of Japan - webisode THREE

Enjoy the third webisode of our trip to japan.
 -> full movie being release in fall 2014


The Other Side of Japan - Webisode Three from Jonas Schnuerch on Vimeo.

The other side of Japan - Webisode TWO

The next Webisode from Japan
 -> full movie being release in fall 2014

Webisode TWO

The Other Side of Japan - Webisode Two from Jonas Schnuerch on Vimeo.

The other side of Japan WEBISODE ONE

So here we are - A Team of 7 People exploring the famous Japan Powder...
Let moving pictures do their work and tell you what we experienced in Niseko Japan on snow and culture wise.

 -> full movie being release in fall 2014


The Other Side of Japan - Webisode One from Jonas Schnuerch on Vimeo.

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Weißsee Gletscher Rudolfshuette - Freeride days

Vom 02-04. Januar verbrachten wir "The Other Side of Japan" Mischfabrik - Crew ein paar Tage auf der Rudolfshütte (grandioser Spa und Bar-Bereich ;).

Obwohl das Wetter und die Schneelage alles andere als perfekt waren, hatten wir eine Menge Spaß im versteckten Backcountry. Am Schluss auch noch ein paar gute Lines inclusive Schnee und Sonne.

An dieser Stelle, Rudolfshütte / Weißsee Gletscher Vielen Dank für die Möglichkeit und die Infos über Touren und Big Mountain Routen - Merci Nicole und Helmut für den großartigen Support!
Mit dabei waren: Jonas Schnuerch, Andi Valentin, Johannes Scharl, Klaus Listl
Song in the Video: Jon & Roy - Mountain Town

Erstmal die ISPO 2014 Neuigkeiten genießen ;)
Off to Japan  - stay tuned for more.