Freitag, 14. November 2014


Last winter I was invited spending a week in Verbier with the 8848 Altitude Team ...

Crusing to the terrain and spending some days with the crew shooting some lines was an awesome time.

Here a a few impressions from the output we made.
-> Video will be posted the next days so stay tuned.

Gonna come back some day...


Freitag, 7. November 2014

Basecamp Andermatt

Last year we took a trip to andermatt with a crew of freeskiers...

Bascially playfull terrain & also some nice steeps for the guys to charge.
Definitely worth a trip to switzerland :)

But let some pictures do the talk.

Thx goes out to 

 Gurschtenstock - Richtung Giraffe

Basecamp Andermatt

Powder lines - earlier shooting - @W-G

 Playfull terrain & pillow powder lines

 Basecamp Andermatt

Welcome to the #freerider's #lodge and #hostel in #andermatt, #swiss #Alps

Andermatt - variations en masse...  go for it guys.
