Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013

Mediaprojekt Salzburg university

 "Verletzungen und der Weg zurück zum Sport"
Injuries and the way back to skiing

To be able to ski again was the goal for myself in this summer & the first days felt awesome.
Now it´s all about getting confidence and taking it step to step.

Video HERE:

Skiingmag Issue no.72 
"Wie ihr vielleicht schon gesehen habt, “schmückt” Daniel Ziemers schwere Knieverletzung die Notaufnahme-Rubrik in unserer aktuellen Printausgabe. Und weil der bayrische Freeride-Bua so fesch ist, haben sich ein paar Mädels der Salzburger Uni gleich in einem Medienprojekt über Daniels Story verwirklicht; Projektname: Daniel Ziemer – Verletzungen und er Weg zurück zum Sport "
Thx Teddy Berr :D
Interview: Jennifer Schuster 
Kamera: Laura Hörzelberger
Edit: Johannes Scharl

Big up to the support
Friends & Family!
Dr. Reiner Hente
Margot Zeitvogel Schönthier
Robert Öllerer & Marcus Dolch Physiomed

8848 Altitude 
Uvex Core Range

Cheers so long see you outthere!

Montag, 18. November 2013

Moving forward

Hi there,

It´s been a while and a long way to recover...
But nuff talked ´bout that - I´m back on ski´s !!! And That was the goal for my last 7 month - and now hoooray let good times with buddys roll !!!

:: Seasons Recap::
just Let some pictures talk.

Hope to inspire some of you - NEVER GIVE up !!!

"It´s about how hard ya can get hit and keep moving forward"
"Rocky Balboa" 2006 ;)

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Season skiing workouts - Full Article & Zeitvogel Movie

Hi there,

All the excercise & workouts are online.
Be strong and prevent injuries for next season!
Try it & get out there and have fun this winter!

ARTICLE, Workouts and exercises here:
--> <--


Z-AQUA-CIRKEL for freeskier and other people from Margot Zeitvogel-Schönthier on Vimeo.

::: skiing; workout; excercise; prevent injuries, get ready for winter :::

Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

Fit in den Freeride-Winter Teil 1/3 FREESKIERS.NET

Der erste Teil des Artikels und Interviews auf 

zur Saisonvorbereitung mit Margot Zeitvogel-Schönthier.


Für Alle, die sich in den letzten Monaten auf die faule Haut gelegt haben und rechtzeitig zum Saisonstart wieder in Form kommen möchten, hier ein Vorschlag zur Lösung...


Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

The other side of Japan - Flights booked ✓

Today we booked our flights to JAPPOOOOW !!!

Three weeks in february of riding insane pow, pillow runs, all u can eat sushi, amazing tree runs,  and the famous japan culture...

Movie webisodes & Faceshots here we come...

Johannes Scharl
Heinz Neuhofer
Klaus Listl
Tine Listl
Jonas Geronimo Schnuerch
Sebastian Friesl
& me

Can´t wait for it!

Montag, 17. Juni 2013

How´s it going? - Comeback in progress ✓

So here we are again, 
I crashed in January during the 4*FWQ in La Clusaz (France) and blowed my knee.
I jumped my last cliff too high  (apprx.12m) and landed on a rock... my knee didn´t like it...

But I think that´s the game we play, if you try to make it to the top into the Freeride World Tour.
After 6 surgerys, waay too many painkillers and with a lot of help from my family & friends... life is fun again.
And that´s what its all about, isn´t it !?! 

The next 3 months will be all about workouts and mental preparation to get back on my skis.

So just a few pictures from today
The University of Salzburg did a short Interview with me about Freeriding - dealing with injuries & my plans for the future!

  Today was another good trainingssession with Margot Zeitvogel  
!!! BIG THANKS to the support over all the years !!!

 I had a lot of fun back on skis in water and during the physiotherapie
thx to Robert Öllerer (lower left picture) and

First day on Skis again!
It´s only liquid snow ;)

Thx for stopping by - c ya soon
Cheers dani

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

New Powderweapons - Off to France

Received my new Powderweapons from Rossignol !

Super light - super playful -> Time to go out & have fun!

Last Monday I went skiing in Hochfügen together with Ralf Jirgen from Bergstolz Magazin & Roman Lachner from the Skiing Mag.
Check out the shot from Roman Lachner - big thanks!

And we had some good times, shooting with the Rossignol & Dynastar Freeski Team.
Thanks to Klaus Listl for the picture! 

So now its time... FWQ4* contest this weekend in France.
A lot of hard training in summer... a lil bit nervous... lets see what happens :)

Looking forward to meet all the "Freeride" - friends again 
@ 4* Freeride World Tour Qualifier in La Clusaz 

C ya there guys

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013

A Big thank you ...

...goes out to the TEAM of ERTL RENZ !!!

for making
SKI Boots alá perfection.

Check out their Homepage: